
Genesis Diamond Buyers Louisville focuses on transparency because we want you to feel comfortable every step of the way. We want your experience to be educational. So when we tell you what value we have determined for your ring, diamonds, or jewelry, we want it to make sense!

transparency sell your jewelry louisville


Our GIA Certified Diamond Buyers are here to educate you on how we determine the value of your jewelry, diamonds or engagement ring. This is part of our promise to be completely transparent so when you leave you will know exactly how we determined the value!


Unlike pawn shops and amateur diamond buyers, we take pride in our professionalism. From the moment you step through our door, you'll experience the Genesis Diamonds difference. But this time you'll be selling and we'll be buying!


We are transparent with our valuation process but completely private when it comes to your sale! So when you sell your diamond, jewelry or engagement ring, you can expect full privacy throughout the entire process.

Genesis Diamond Buyers Louisville – 4600 Shelbyville Rd, Ste 106

Genesis Diamond Buyers Louisville  |  4600 Shelbyville Road, Suite 106 |  Louisville KY 40207

Phone: 502-891-0424 |  Email:  


Areas Served: Louisville, Lexington & More!